In 1934 Walt Disney and his animation studios began on a project that would change the face of animation. Before Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs there had only ever been short subject matters, like short cartoons. So saying that they were working on something like this was down right outrageous.
Disney had to fight to get the film produced: he even had to mortgage his house to do so.
His brother and wife tried to talk him out of it, and those in Hollywood nicknamed it “Disney’s Folly”.
On December 21, 1937 it premiered to an audience of the same people that called it a waste of time and that told him no. The reception of the film? A standing ovation. Six days later, it appeared on the cover of Time magazine and the New York Times said “Thank you very much, Mr. Disney.”
This is one of the main reasons why I’ve chosen to do so Snow White first. Because people forget that without her there would be no Disney like we know it today.
Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves):
1. True beauty is in one’s kindness.
2. Help others who can not help themselves.
3. Listen to those older than you: They know more than you.
4. Forgiveness: Forgive everything and everyone constantly; like it’s going out of style.
5. Never assume: Thing’s are rarely the way they appear.
6. Naivety is something we all regretfully have.
7. Someday, our love will come: Just remember that waiting doesn’t mean you have to just sit there doing nothing. Do something while you wait.
8. Love everything.
Yes, Snow White was “The Fairest”, but that wasn’t what made her the fairest. Her beauty was in her kindness. She forgave like it was a habit and was kind to everything.
True she had a moment of self stupidity, but who hasn’t. I know many a day where I was just as bad if not worse. Naivety is just part of being human. We’ll never be rid of that.
Plus she was 14 at that time in the movie.(When she got married she was between 16 & 17) How many 14 year olds do you know that have what we would like to call “Common Sense”? Common sense is only an illusion. What we think every one should know could very well be the worst idea in the world. For example, Geocentric Solar systems. Common sense changes, and that’s a fact.
All in all Snow White needs more credit than she deserves, because if we didn’t have her we wouldn’t have any of Disney’s Princesses; and that's a fact.
Wow, Snow White was 14? I had no idea!